One of the most beautiful things about photography is that it’s limited only by one’s ability to visually explore. In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. – Ansel Adams As Yogi Berra as it sounds if you’re not looking, you’re not seeing and there is so much to photograph when you’re seeing. This weekend I’m looking forward to
During my most recent trip to Yosemite I was struck by how many people I came across had a camera. Virtually everyone had a camera in fact. Some were enjoying themselves, some were strangely aggravated as they worked, some were rushing and many were curiously sizing up the person next to them getting the exact same photo. There was not one location I traveled to that did not have a group of photographers staked out p
When you think of Yosemite you’re more than likely going to think of the iconic Valley View lookout, as seen in my Yosemite Valley Snow post, but Yosemite is full of so many amazing subjects that are commonly overlooked. Simple scenes such as the one below are all too easily missed as people rush from one lookout to another. Great nature experiences are still easy to come by in Yosemite you just have to explor
If you ever want to see the desert come alive just spend some time there at night. This is true in relation to wildlife activity and finding a new take on landscape subjects. We are diurnal by nature so it is very easy to look past what unique lighting can be found at night. The desert offers so many great subjects rich textures, wildlife, expansive landscapes, unique plant life, etc. and all of it looks completely
Stormy sunsets on the coast never cease to amaze. I consider myself quite lucky to live so close to amazing coastal scenery. As I gaze out to such dramatic scenes I can’t help but think of artists before me who defined the west coast tradition of photography. With such huge footprints to follow in I always think to the following quote: …to photograph a rock, have it look like a rock, but be more than a r
In 2010 I had a great time behind the camera and I was fortunate to have been present for some amazing moments including the birth of my son (the ultimate experience). While I’ve ranked my best photos in years past (best photos of 2009, best photos of 2008 and best photos of 2007) this year I’m finding it impossible to do. In fact by doing so I may just end up in the dog house as you’ll soon disco
Recent snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains has me thinking about Yosemite and a much needed return to the splendor of winter there. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way and historically speaking there is one person who certainly knew the feeling… “I must return to the mountains—to Yosemite. I am told that the winter storms there will not be easily borne, but I am bewitched, enchanted, and
This time of year I really cherish the fog here in San Francisco and am always looking for interesting photo opportunities. One of my favorite subjects to photograph is the coastal fog as it envelops the trees. If I’m not photographing this phenomenon I’m often telling my wife how I love the look of the fog in the trees as we go on our walks together. This has become a running joke between us as I say it