Morning View – Mt. Whitney from the Alabama Hills
Thanks for your interest in contacting me regarding my photography and writing.
Image & Video Use
Please be aware my work is copyright protected and I kindly request that if you would like to license and/or share my work with others that you write me using the form below. Please include in your message a text link to the photo(s), text, and/or posts that have caught your interest.
Workshops & Presentations
If you’re interested in a workshop or presentation please use the form below to inquire about availability and the nature of your trip/presentation. To review my current schedule of photo tour please check my Photo Tour page.
General Questions
Due to the great number of inquiries I receive and my travel schedule there may be a delay in responding to your questions. While I try to minimize any delays sometimes it is unavoidable.
Thanks again and I look forward to assisting you.
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