Photographed below is an Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) at Moss Landing. Birding isn’t my primary focus when it comes to photography, but the red eye of an Eared Grebe is a tough subject to pass up. The red eye of this bird is truly an eye catcher. Sorry I couldn’t resist the pun. Have a great weekend everyone. If you’re interested in capturing photos like this consider joining me on my Sea Otte
Looking forward… I cannot wait until early September. The prospect of photographing Sea Otters again is keeping me going these days. The act of photographing a landscape or nature subject has always been a meditative experience for me. Add to the mix a cute furry critter like Sea Otters and you have a magical combination that adds up to a relaxing and fun time. Only 62 more days to go… Join me on my Sea O
Photographing bears, particularly Grizzly Bears, is always a rush. These animals are truly awesome. Their natural behavior, raw power and characteristic look make for great photography. No matter where you photograph these awe inspiring creatures, the wild, zoos or wildlife refuges, they always deserve your respect as you never know what they might do. With a little luck someday soon I look forward to the opportuni
California Sea Otters certainly have an air of relaxation about them. As relaxed as they seem they’re actually quite active eating 20% of their body weight in food per day. Their constant pursuit of food is a reflection of their fast metabolism that helps them survive in the frigid northern California water. Their diet includes mostly invertebrates such as sea urchins, mussels, abalone, clams, scallops, crabs
This fall I will be leading (2) two California Sea Otter photography tours near Monterey, California and you’re invited! From the comfort of a pontoon boat those in attendance will have the ability to photograph the natural behaviors of California Sea Otters and potentially other species including Harbor Seals, California Sea Lions, Cormorants, Pelicans, Grebes, Surf Scoters and many other shore birds. Each tou
Sea Otters are one of the more interesting wild animals in Northern California. From their playful interaction to their use of rocks as tools to eat their favorite food it’s hard to get enough of them. Photographed below is a wild Sea Otter in Monterey, California who kept his paws are on his ears while basking in the sun Sea Otter fur is unique and the main reason they were hunted so aggressively in the past.
Recently I’ve been reading a lot of news stories demonizing Coyotes coming into suburban environments. It wasn’t that long ago that two coyotes were killed here in San Francisco and I thought I would post a photo of a typical Coyote encounter. This Coyote like most others was very shy and was waiting to come down from the hillside early one morning only when it saw no one else around. Very skiddish it was
Below is the third photo in a series of wild Bobcat photographs taken in Yosemite National Park in early March. This is one of many very close photos I was able to capture of this beautiful wild creature. Ironically my entire trip to Yosemite was devoid of wildlife encounters until I began my drive to leave for home at mid-day. Wild Bobcat (Lynx rufus, Yosemite National Park The story behind this photo and wildlife e