Sunset view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge behind the rocky edge of the Marin Headlands
One of my many idiosyncrasies that has worked out well for me photographically is my inclination to always look behind me on my hikes. Invariably when you think that you’ve waited long enough to capture all the best light Mother Nature has to offer and you let your guard down, she throws you a curve revealing something even more amazing. Unless I have the luxury of waiting until dark as I hike back, I frequently take a peek behind me. Not only does this allow me to keep tabs on changing conditions it allows me to look at my surroundings in a slightly different way. This image “Golden Gate Rocky Ridge” is a perfect example where this technique enabled me to not just capture great light, but an alternate perspective of, a photographic icon, the Golden Gate Bridge.
Great tip, Jim. This is something I learned a long time ago when I was just getting my feet wet in photography. I read the tip in an old Arizona Highways “How-To” photography guide and it has served me well over the years. I do appreciate the reminder and I’m sure many of your readers will benefit as well!
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