The past several days I’ve been in Santa Barbara where I caught up both with family, as I attended my sister in-laws wedding, and on some long over due photography. It’s embarrassing to admit, but in the 8 years years I lived in Santa Barbara I never photographed the area. If you’ve never been, Santa Barbara is roughly 100 miles north of Los Angeles and is often called the American Riviera. Santa Barbara is among the most beautiful locations in California and is home to one of the most beautiful Spanish missions. I was very fortunate this weekend to not just photograph the mission, but to photograph the mission under a Blue Moon as it was setting. To say the least it was an awe inspiring experience to witness this moment… not to mention the happy union of my sister in-law with her new husband.
[tags]travel, photography, Santa Barbara, California, Santa Barbara Mission, blue moon, moon, stock photo[/tags]