I realize the email below is a broadcast to a large audience, but since your name is on it I thought I would relay why I am not renewing with the Sierra Club directly to you. I hope that the following feedback helps you implement much needed changes to Sierra Club marketing. I also am writing because I wanted you to be aware of my feedback directly as I’m planning on sharing these thoughts with the readers of my blog. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling this way.
While I firmly believe in what the Sierra Club stands for I find that my involvement with the Sierra Club has been diminished by:
1. Constant badgering through excessive “renewal” notices, both email and written.
I don’t know when I joined, but I know I receive renewal notices at least every month and quite possibly weekly. After a year or two of this I no longer care to look to see when I really need to renew. I’ve lost the interest to sort it out and have completely lost interest in trying to filter out the noise of excess marketing created by the Sierra Club.
2. Email updates laden with links that go to “donate” pages rather than supporting material about the legislation or detail on the issues.
What your marketing team seems to have lost track of is that I joined the Sierra Club because I care about issues that effect me, my family, my community and my country. I didn’t join because I care about the Sierra Club per se. The Sierra Club represented a collection of people with a common interest and a common purpose. Unfortunately the message I receive back from the Sierra Club is less to do about the issues and more to funneling money to your organization. The email below contains 4 links to donate money and 0 links to any information about an environmental issue.
3. Marketing focused on achievement and less about value.
As someone with an online marketing background I can respect achievement based messages, but honestly what value is being provided to me and to my community. Case in point in the email below. Congrats on defeating the X proposal, note there is no link to the proposal or any other previous writing on it (per issue #2), but how does this fit into a larger value that the Sierra Club provides to me? I’m assuming its in relation to a larger Global Warming campaign, but I’d never know.
4. Spare me the emphasis on the tchotchke.
I know this just may be a personal preference but I didn’t join the Sierra Club for a marketing tchotchke, in this case the 1892 rucksack. It’s never been a deciding factor in my reason to join. I’d rather see any money put forward for this or donated material applied to more pertinent aspects of the Sierra Club. I certainly don’t need to be marketed to death about this either.
I truly wish I could just send a congratulations letter to you and your team for a job well done. Unfortunately the Sierra Club has lost me as an advocate and will have a harder time building trust for me to rejoin. I now equate the Sierra Club with excessive and unfocused marketing, wasted money and a group I’m more likely to be harassed by that an organization I can celebrate with. Sad that is never how I thought of the Sierra Club years ago.
Jim Goldstein
Attached email after the jump
Support the Sierra Club – rejoin today and receive the 1892 Rucksack free!
Dear Jim,
We need you to help us keep the victories and good work coming!
In the last month, the Sierra Club has made exciting progress. For example:
- We won a 7 year battle to defeat a proposed $6 billion railroad that would have allowed millions of tons of low-grade coal to be shipped across the country increasing the potential CO2 emissions from dirty coal by up to 200 million tons (equivalent to an additional 40 million cars!!)
- We defeated the 100th proposed new coal-fired power plant.
- The Ninth Circuit Court ruled in favor of our lawsuit and reinstated the ban on development in over 40 million acres of wildlands!
But these big victories couldn’t be achieved without the the help of our members and supporters. And with the critical energy bill coming up in the Senate this fall, there couldn’t be more at stake.
That’s why we asking you to help us keep the momentum going by rejoining the Sierra Club today – for just $25.
And when you join now, not only will you be helping to protect the environment, we’ll also send you the 1892 Sierra Club Rucksack – free!
And, as a Sierra Club member, you will also receive a one-year subscription to Sierra magazine, members-only eco-travel opportunites, automatic membership in your local chapter and discounts on Sierra Club calendars, books and other merchandise!
This fall’s battles will be critical, and now’s the time to stand behind the nation’s most effective advocate for the environment and demand a clean energy future for all Americans.
Please take a moment today to rejoin the Sierra Club – at our special $25 membership rate!
Thank you for your support.
Carl Pope
Executive DirectorP.S. Rejoin now and we’ll send you our limited-edition 1892 Rucksack free!
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