Matterhorn Cloud Cap & Reflection - Switzerland
Late morning in the Swiss Alps on this day last October was truly beauty defined. Yellow Larch trees (thank you Cynth Barnes) and an amazing turquoise Grindjesee Lake proved to be this color photographers dream subject. A little secret I can let you in on… I view photos from this location anytime I want to take a break from my hectic schedule and unwind. I lucked out witnessing this view when the lake was incredibly still. The only time the lake was disturbed was when a fish would snap at an insect on the waters surface. Calm and serene… definitely a moment cherished. On that note I hope each and everyone of you reading my blog have a great weekend and you too find your moment of serenity and beauty to photograph.
[tags]Switzerland, Matterhorn, travel, stock photo, photography, mountain, landscape, photo, fall color, Grindjesee Lake, beauty, serenity[/tags]