Ever wonder how to photograph wind? It’s a tough concept to effectively capture. While on my honeymoon in Kauai, Hawaii I saw an opportunity one late evening. The right combination of subjects presented themselves including partly cloudy skies, palm trees and a firm wind. I ended up opting to use the moon to backlight a palm tree blowing in the wind to give the scene a little more of a dramatic flare.

[tags]Hawaii, Kauai, trade winds, nightscape, lunar, moon, night, long exposure, photography, digital[/tags]
Somehow this is a very surprising image I did not expect from you. It seems very different from most of your other images probably mostly based in the different use of time. As a result it has an incredible dynamic and force to it. Even though it might be a departure from your other images I’d encourage you to work more in this direction.
hey nice palm trees!!!!! LaV Ya BEbe Olivia